Carnatic War, Anglo-French Rivalry ( 50 Important facts to know for the exam)

Carnatic War

Foundation of Hyderabad

Hyderabad founder Chin Qilich Khan. After getting autonomy he got the title of Nizam ul Mulk before that, his title was Asif Jha. He also served as viceroy of Deccan.

2 . Mohammad Shah was the envy of Asif Jha. Asif Jha wanted to reform the Mughul empire, to eliminate corruption, but the rulers of the empire were indulged in pleasure.

3. Mubraiz Khan fought against Asif Jha, Asif Jha won and got the title of Nizam ul Mulk.

4. Asif Jha, Nizam ul Mulk was Noble of the Turani group which is a Turkish group.

5. In between 1713 to 1722 he was a governor of Deccan, and he supported Mohammad Shah to eliminate Syed Brothers.

6. He was offered the post of wazir in Mughul court Delhi.

7. As Wazir he tried to reform corruption in the Mughal administration but earned many enemies of himself.

8. In 1724 he killed Governor Mubraiz Khan in the battle of Kheda and established the Asif Jha dynasty in Hyderabad.


Carnatic war
Carnatic War ( Source – Wikipedia page)

Carnatic was the area of the Coromandel coast and its hinterland.

2. One of the Mughul Sabha after the death of Aurangzeb freed itself from Aurangzeb and became an autonomous territory under the leadership of Nawab Sadat Ullah Khan.

3. Accordingly, Nawab Sadat Ullah Khan appointed his nephew Dost Ali the next successor. After his death in 1740 Maratha invaded Carnatic and took the next successor Chanda Shahib as a prisoner to Satara, Meanwhile, Anwarudin became the new Nawab of Carnatic.

4. At this time French intervened and started to support the Chanda sahib therefore the affair of the Carnatic deteriorated which provided an opportunity to Europeans for the next 20 to 30 years the English and French remained involved in the bitter Carnatic war.

First Carnatic War ( 1742 – 1748):

War of Austrian Succession which started on 20th October 1740 after the death of King Charles 6th. Britain claimed the support of Maria Theresa and the French supported Charles Albert.

The outbreak of war in Europe provided a political context for the rivalry between two European Companies, British and French for control over territory.

French Governor Duplex decided to attack English possession in Madras as a result Madras was surrendered to the French.

Britishers applied to Nawab of Carnatic Anwar ud din for help. Nawab sent his army against the French but it was an effort to crushing defeat.

However, the end of the Austrian War of Succession led to the end of the Carnatic War with the Treaty of Axilla chapila ( As per the treaty both parties agreed to mutual respect or restoration of each other’s treaty in India).

Second Carnatic War ( 1749 to 1754):

In 1749 in the Battle of Ambur French killed Nawab Anwar-ud din Carnatic and made Chand Sahib the next Nawab of Carnatic, Son of Anwarudin Mohammad Ali received the support of the British in the claim of Carnatic.

In 1748 Nizam Asif Jha died in Hyderabad. After his death war of succession started in Hyderabad Billigrants were Muzzafar Jung and Nasir Jung.

Muzzafar Jung was supported by the French and Nasir Jung by the English.

Seize Of Arcot:

At the beginning of the second Carnatic War, the attitude of the British was callous but when the new general Saundra came to India he felt the need for activity. At this time Robert Clive voluntarily fought and suggested creating a diversion by attacking on Arcot capital of Carnatic.

Clive was a young British Capitian who attempted to seize Arcot with 200 European and 300 Indian soldiers. But in return for himself, he was besieged by the French and the force of Chanda Sahib. He inspired his army and fought for 54 days. When British support came finally Britishers were victorious against the French and Chanda Sahib.

Treaty of Pondicherry 1754:

French were forced to recall Duplex from India and they were allowed to exercise influence on Hyderabad.

Third Carnatic War 1758 to 1763:

The outbreak of war of 7 years in all continents to establish their imperialistic hegemony was reflected in India in the third Carnatic War.

French War was thoroughly defeated in the Battle of Wandiwash which was fought between British officer Sir Eyre Coote and Count De ally from the French.

Treaty of Paris 1763:

As per the treaty Pondicherry, and Chandarnagar were restored to France, but the French had to accept the protector to India.

  1. English were superior in energy, resources and enthusiasm.
  2. French companies depended on the French government in financial matters, while the English victory in Plassey ensured a smart flow of wealth.

Here are ten important facts from the historical events of the European advent in India, focusing on the Carnatic Wars and the foundation of Hyderabad:

  1. Foundation of Hyderabad: Chin Qilich Khan, better known as Nizam-ul-Mulk Asaf Jah, founded the Asaf Jahi dynasty in Hyderabad. After killing Mubraiz Khan in the Battle of Kheda in 1724, he established his rule, setting the stage for Hyderabad as a major princely state in India.
  2. Role of Asaf Jah: Asaf Jah was an important figure in the Mughal Empire, serving as the Viceroy of the Deccan from 1713 to 1722. He attempted to implement reforms in the Mughal administration but faced significant opposition and earned many enemies.
  3. Autonomy of the Carnatic: After the death of Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb, several Mughal territories sought autonomy. Nawab Sadatullah Khan of the Carnatic declared autonomy and appointed his nephew, Dost Ali, as his successor.
  4. First Carnatic War (1742-1748): This conflict was a theatre of the War of Austrian Succession, with the British and French vying for control in India. French forces, led by Governor Dupleix, captured Madras, leading to heightened tensions with the British.
  5. Battle of St. Thome: During the First Carnatic War, a notable battle occurred at St. Thome, where Nawab Anwaruddin’s forces were defeated by the French, demonstrating the emerging European military influence in Indian affairs.
  6. Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle (1748): This treaty ended the First Carnatic War, with territories captured during the conflict, including Madras, being restored to their pre-war status, highlighting the transient nature of European gains in India during this period.
  7. Second Carnatic War (1749-1754): The war was marked by internal succession disputes in both Carnatic and Hyderabad, with the British supporting Muhammad Ali and the French backing Chanda Sahib in the Carnatic, leading to intense battles like the Siege of Arcot.
  8. Robert Clive’s Role: The young British officer Robert Clive became prominent during the Siege of Arcot, where his strategic acumen and leadership helped the British withstand a prolonged siege by French and allied forces, bolstering British prestige in the region.
  9. Treaty of Pondicherry (1754): This treaty concluded the Second Carnatic War, resulting in the recall of French Governor Dupleix and a shift in the power dynamics, with the French influence in Hyderabad being acknowledged.
  10. Third Carnatic War (1758-1763): Part of the larger Seven Years’ War, this conflict culminated in the decisive Battle of Wandiwash, where British forces led by Sir Eyre Coote defeated the French, effectively ending French aspirations in India.

First Carnatic War Notes ( source –

Facts about the First Carnatic War

  • Fought between: English and French forces.
  • People involved: Joseph François Dupleix (French Governor-General), Major Stringer Lawrence (British), and Anwaruddin Khan (Nawab of the Carnatic).
  • When: 1746 – 1748
  • Where: Carnatic region, Southern India
  • Result: Inconclusive.

The course of the First Carnatic War

  • France and Britain were on opposite sides of the camp at the War of Austrian Succession that had broken out in Europe in 1740.
  • This Anglo-French rivalry led to their trading companies in India vying with each other for supremacy.
  • The French Governor of Pondicherry Dupleix had raised an army of Indian sepoys under French officers in India.
  • The French East India Company was nationalized in 1720 and France had imperialistic designs on India.
  • In 1745, there was a naval attack on a French fleet by Britain in which even Pondicherry was in danger.
  • Dupleix, along with additional French troops from Mauritius defended against this attack and captured Madras, which had been controlled by the English.
  • The English made another attack on Pondicherry but instead faced a heavy loss. The English sought help from the Nawab of Carnatic (Arcot) Anwaruddin Khan.
  • The Nawab asked the French to return Madras to the British.
  • Dupleix tried convincing the Nawab unsuccessfully that Madras would be handed over to him at a later stage.
  • Then, the Nawab sent a huge army to fight the French forces. This army was defeated by the relatively small number of French forces in Mylapore (in modern-day Chennai) in 1746.
  • This exposed the weakness of the armies of the Indian rulers vis-à-vis the efficiently trained armies of the European powers.
  • The war ended in 1748 with the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle also called the Treaty of Aachen.

Effects of the First Carnatic War

  • Madras was given back to the English in exchange for Louisburg in North America to France.
  • Dupleix understood the superiority of the European armies who used this advantage to influence Indian princes and establish French hegemony in South India.

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