How to get admission to the best US universities

Top US universities for international students to get admission:

If you want to get admission to top US universities, you have to focus on 3 things.

Admission in USA
admission in USA
  1. Value: It means the degree or Programme you are going to pursue is worth it or not, for example, if you are going to invest in your degree, or before applying for admission you should check if you will get a job. This also depends upon four factors.

a) Payback Period (45%): It means after how long a student can earn money once he graduates so that he can back back the loan etc. Because international students cannot stay long in a foreign country.

b) Cost of living (5%): Here a student should check how expensive the city is, for example, food, clothes rent etc.

c) Availability of financial resources ( 5%): A student should check how much the university provides financial aid to students, for example, Scholarships etc.

d) A student should check how many students are receiving financial assistance in a specific university (10%).

2. Welcoming Atmosphere (25%): Welcoming atmosphere matters a lot if you are an international student, before applying to any university if you are a foreign student you have to check how many international students are enrolled in a particular university if the number is high that means the university is welcoming and you cannot face any discrimination or other problems. so based on this you should do an admission.

3; Campus safety (10%): go to the official Federal Bureau of Investigation statistics on the crime college campus website and check the crime rate of specific universities. It is important if you are check carefully once you get admission to any university you should know the safety and crime rates. If the crime rate is high you should neglect the admission option in a specific university.

To check the above criteria click on the link

How to find the perfect University in the USA and get admission:

  1. Look at community colleges and public universities before getting admission.
  2. 2nd school geography, size and degree programme.
  3. What is your priority while doing admission?

Steps to find a university and to get admission;

1 know yourself ( you should not come under pressure, you should think logically about whether you want to pursue this career or not). identify the situation in which you excel then do admission.

2 Maintain an open mind ( are you ready to accept the culture )? Many students disappoint because once they broaden their research they come out from unexpected things.

3 Use your network for research, current students and alums are best to know about the university. 

4 location is most important you should check is the city surrounded expensive, how is the climate there, history etc.

5 Total cost of study including living expenses 

6 Ranking of the university

7 Student housing available at US universities ( because sometimes it is terrifying for international students, you should check if is there on-campus housing available in university or not).

8 Student ethnic composition 

9  entry requirements (TOEFL, IELTS, GRE, GMAT the higher the score you have the higher ranked university you get) some universities have a TOEFL waiver option but you have to study an English program or another affiliated English program until the final level is completed many universities have an agreement with some private language schools that allow students to enter without toefl score.

10 Visit campus if possible and notice by yourself

11 Bzefore applying to check  the accreditation of the university means do the  university meets certain academic standards 

12. Do what you want believe in your instinct and do it under pressure.

What if English as a second language, will you get admission in such a situation or not?

Suppose my First language is Kashmiri or Urdu. English is my second language i am not an advanced speaker of English, but there is an English programme for students like me you have to enrol in an English language course where they make you a fluent English speaker.

How does ElS works?

You will learn more than basic grammar and spelling when enrolling in an ESL program, you will also learn the basic concepts and rules of the English language and how they are used in an academic.

Levels are starting, emerging developing, expanding, bridging, reaching 







Sources to learn English on your own to get admission in good universities.

  2. Eats, shoots and leaves 
  3. Merriam-Webster guides punctuation and style 
  4. Grammer girl.
  5. Purdue University online writing lab

TESTS (a requirement before getting admission)




4 PTE Academic test 


How international students can benefit from a US  Green Card: A guide to the EB-5 Visa? 

The EB-5 Visa Program administered by the U.S. Government grants Green Cards to foreign applicants and their immediate family (spouses and children up to the age of 21) when they invest $900,000 for a limited period in a vetted and secure real estate project in the United States.

These green cards are usually processed within a 24-30 month period and upon the return of the investment of $900,000, the overall costs are as low as $85,000.

Since the program was created in 1990, over 78,000 families have applied to receive the benefits of U.S. permanent residency, which include greater educational and professional opportunities.

Challenges International Students Face in the United States and How the EB-5 Visa Can Help

In the competitive landscape and the maze of the U.S. visa system, most international students face significant challenges. The EB-5 Visa can address the following concerns:

a) Limited quotas for international student admission at U.S. universities.

Students applying for admission to study at U.S. universities with a Green Card do not face admissions quotas and therefore have higher acceptance rates compared to international students needing an F1 visa.

b) Restrictions in the time and conditions under which a student is eligible to study and work in the U.S. through the F1 student visa and the OPT program

EB-5 Visa holders do not need to worry about the constant pressures of the ever-changing legal landscape of the visa rules and have the freedom to live anywhere in the U.S. and for as long as they would like to.

c) Limitations on pursuing their preferred career path, admission and having access to entrepreneurial opportunities. Difficulty in securing sponsorship after graduation for the H1-B work permit, which is subject to a lottery system, is highly scrutinized and does not allow the permit holder to easily change jobs or get promoted

U.S. permanent residents can pursue work opportunities, both during their studies (or once get admission) and after graduating, across any industry and in any location

With nearly 1.5 million foreign students graduating from U.S. colleges and universities each year, only a very small percentage of them can pursue their American Dream without a Green Card.

What Additional Benefits Does an EB-5 Visa Offer?

The EB-5 Visa does not only offer greater access to the educational and professional opportunities outlined above. U.S. Permanent Residents also benefit from:

a) Potential savings on tuition:

Green Card holders may be eligible for in-state tuition fees, which are typically lower than those of foreign nationals.

b) Having a path to U.S. Citizenship:

An EB-5 Visa holder can apply for U.S. Citizenship after 5 years of residency and faces no additional requirements when applying

c) Flexibility to choose which family members get Green Card coverage:

An EB-5 investment can be made on behalf of a child aspiring to study in the U.S., or an entire family including an applicant’s spouse and any children under the age of 21

d) Quicker adjudication time compared to other U.S. Permanent Residency Options:

Some routes to U.S. permanent residency involve frustratingly long waiting times (up to 25 years), while the EB-5 program usually grants a green card within 24-30 months.

The EB-5 Visa Application Timeline:

Evaluation and Decision Stage (3-6 months):

1  Evaluate EB-5 and requirements – Speak with a trusted advisor who has experience working with students to understand the requirements.

2    Prepare an EB-5 application- Work with an EB-5 partner with a strong management team and development partners.

3    Invest your funds in a high-quality project – Complete investment contracts and wire investment into an escrow account until USCIS confirms receipt of the application.

Approval of Application (24 – 30 months)

Receive your application approval within 24-30 months and schedule a consular interview or an adjustment of status to receive your 2 Year Conditional Green Card.

Conditional Green Card Phase (2 years)

During these 2 years, Green Card holders who do not already live in the U.S. must visit at least once every 6 months.

The benefits of a Conditional Green Card are the same as a Permanent Green Card.

Permanent Green Card & Return of Investment (60 Months from Application)

Upon completion of 2 years of Conditional Permanent Residency, you can apply for your Permanent Green Card.

Receive your base investment of $900,000 back.

Option to Apply for US Citizenship

You can apply for Citizenship following 5 years of permanent residency (including the Conditional residency phase).

Find out if you are eligible to invest in the EB-5 Investor Visa Program, and then determine whether you’d like to pursue this path for yourself.

Packing once who gets admission:

1 Passport, Visa, Plane tickets and form I-20 (it is an important document issued by US schools to international students)

2 Cards

3 National and International driver’s licenses

4 A list of names, addresses telephone numbers ( both us contact as well as your home country)

5 Important daily use stuff.

AIR Travels 

1 Reach the airport 4 hours before

2 Charge all electronics

3 Carry extra cloth on the bag and umbrella 

4 Pack snacks and water bottles 

5 Keep your Passport, visa and cash in your bag 

6 Once reaching the US go to customs and passport control both passport control and customs may ask you questions about why you are entering the USA, how long you’ll be here, and what you have brought with you. If your responses are unclear, there’s a problem with your visa or passport, you’ve packed something illegal, or for any additional reasons the agents deem valid, you may be pulled aside to have your luggage searched or for further questioning. Once done go and pick up your luggage.


1 rent a car

2 STA travel website check pgs hostels etc 

3 sign up for Student Universe where you get free membership and are eligible for discounts and deals with more than 220 airlines.

Flight websites like Travelocity, Orbitz Kayak etc.


1 Hostelworld

2 Airbnb.

Cultural difference


Wear casual clothes at university.

Give people space, and don’t go too close while talking.

They speak directly they are straightforward.

Make eye contact while talking. 

Don’t slurp soup in public.

Use bathroom word instead of washroom sometimes restroom is used. 

Tipping to waiter hairdresser taxi driver etc. 

Be on time everywhere.

Gifting at baby showers, weddings etc.

Paying at college To get admission

There are two types of loans that a student can avail one is a fixed-rate loan where the interest rate remains the same eg if you have 12% IR it remains always same.

The second is variable rate which means it changes with inflation in the market has two parts benchmark changes based on the market it is called LIBOR AND SOFR ( like in India prime lending rate MCLR) 

Spread this part is added on top of benchmark rate eg libor+8% 

The interest rate is adjusted after 3 months 

Which is better?

Fixed is risk-free

Variable is risky 

Depends on your capability.

Which student loan repayment plan is right for me?

1 Loan Term: it says the length of time you have to repay your loan example 10 years = 120 months

But it has a higher risk because you have to pay higher monthly payments and vice versa.

2 Interest rate and APR; It is the percentage of the loan amount you pay as interest

3 Lender Discount: some lenders offer discounts means lower interest rates.

4 There are 2 types of payments school and deferred 

In school means you pay during your program and deferred after graduation 

5 Payment currency eg 1$ = 83 rupees for me it would be more expensive.

6 So look at the above before choosing a loan or going for admission.

Source of financial aid

1 Home country source I mean local banks or government, eg Aziz is from Suadi and he got financial aid from his government to get into US universities or to get admission.

2 US Sources Banks like Discover, Citizen and Wells Fargo offer loans to foreign students to get admission but they need us-based co-signers 

3 Private student lenders ( us based on co-signer needs) 

4 Scholarships on admissions ( few organisations, website offer ).

5 Jobs Most colleges and universities offer part-time jobs but for international students, there is a limitation of jobs and hours.

6 Family.

Student loan collateral to get admission

It is the property that you put as a mortgage. In case you don’t return the loan the property will be seized but the thing is the worth of the property should be equal to the loan. The collateral must be at least valued at $ 50000 or more.

2 To avoid collateral there should be an option of a co-signer from the USA with good credit like in India we call a guarantor.

3 There are loans without collateral and co-signer that are MPower financing but you must pay within 2 years of graduation, Prodigy finance specific countries especially MBA and stem programs.

Financial AID FORMS to get admission


International Students: Private scholarships and financial aids

CSS profile?

A form that many US universities use to distribute their institutional financial aid asks for details about your parent’s financial health.

$ 25 Cost. It is the cost of a form

Timeline: CSS profile opens on 1st October deadline varies.

Scholarships in getting admission

Step 1: Know the Different Types of Scholarships

  1. Need-based: For students from low-income backgrounds. You’ll need to show proof of financial need, like your family’s tax returns.
  2. Academic Merit: For students with excellent academic records, like a high GPA or class rank.
  3. Diversity-Based: For students from specific groups, such as women, individuals from a particular country, or those with certain immigration statuses.
  4. School-based: For students who are accepted or enrolled in a specific school.
  5. Major/Degree-based: For students pursuing certain fields of study, like nursing or engineering.

Step 2: Identify Scholarships You Qualify For

  • Start with Your School: Check with your university’s Office of International Student Services and Office of Financial Aid. like I mentioned above 
  • Use Specific Search Terms: Look for scholarships using your school, degree/major, country of origin, or financial status as search criteria. or ask your friends who are already there.
  • Consider Other Organizations: Explore scholarships offered by external organizations for international students.

Step 3: Narrow Down Your List

  • Focus on Where You Stand Out: Apply to scholarships where you have a higher chance of success. For instance, if you are a Brazilian woman in computer science, you might have better chances with scholarships aimed at Brazilian students or women in STEM.

Step 4: Write a Great Scholarship Essay

  • Make It Compelling: Write a strong, persuasive essay. Consider these resources:
    • Edupass’s guide on scholarship essays.
    • MPOWER Financing’s webinar on how to get a scholarship.
    • Harvard University’s tips on writing a personal statement.
  • Step 5: Submit Your Application on Time ( don’t miss the deadline) if You want to get admission in one of the US-based universities
  • Recommended Scholarships
  • MPOWER Global Citizen Scholarship: Open to any international student at 350+ universities in the USA and Canada.
  • MPOWER Women in STEM Scholarship: For female international students in STEM programs at 350+ universities supported by MPOWER in the USA or Canada.
  • Top 5 Do’s and Don’ts for Finding Scholarships
  • 1 Do’s:
  • Research Scholarship Categories:
  • Need-based: For students with financial needs, requiring income documentation.I don’t know home country income documentation o not.
  • Academic Merit: Based on GPA, class rank, or other academic achievements.
  • Diversity-Based: For specific groups, such as women, minorities, or students from certain countries.
  • School-Based: Available only to students accepted or enrolled in specific schools.
  • Major-Based: For students in certain fields like engineering, nursing, or business.
  • Start with Your University:
    • Contact your university’s Office of International Student Services and Financial Aid.
    • Explain your financial situation and any offers from other schools; some universities might match those offers.
  • Research Home-Country Scholarships:
    • Check if your home country offers scholarships or low-interest loans for studying abroad. Examples include ColFuturo for Colombian students and Conacyt for Mexican students.
  • Use Scholarship Search Engines Creatively:
    • Use specific search terms like “Brazilian women in engineering” or “Indian women in STEM.”
    • Narrow your search to scholarships with fewer applicants to increase your chances.
  • Have Someone Review Your Application:
    • Ensure your application is complete and well-written. If required, have a native English speaker check your essay for grammar and spelling.
  • Don’ts:
  • Don’t Beg for Money in Your Essay:
  • Focus on answering the essay question and showing how you meet the scholarship’s criteria.
  • Highlight your achievements and experiences.
  • Start with Your University:
  • Contact your university’s Office of International Student Services and Financial Aid.
  • Explain your financial situation and any offers from other schools; some universities might match those offers.
  • Research Home-Country Scholarships:
  • Check if your home country offers scholarships or low-interest loans for studying abroad 
  • Use Scholarship Search Engines Creatively:
  • Use specific search terms like”Indian women in STEM.”
  • Narrow your search to scholarships with fewer applicants to increase your chances.
  • Have Someone Review Your Application:
  • Ensure your application is complete and well-written. If required, have a native English speaker check your essay for grammar and spelling. we can use chatgpt4 or ali you can also do it.
  • Don’t Reuse Essays:
  • use each essay to the specific scholarship’s question and criteria. Don’t use the same essay for everything.
  • Don’t Wait Until the Last Minute:
  • Apply early to avoid any technical issues or time zone complications. because India and the USA have different time zones 
  • Don’t Fall for Scams:
  • Avoid scholarships that charge an application fee, as these are likely scams.
  • Don’t Overlook Other Funding Options:
  • Explore teaching assistantships, on-campus jobs, and internships. These opportunities not only help with finances but also enhance your resume.

Scholarship Competitions for International Students to get admission;

  • It’s for Students from select developing countries like India.
  • What it offers: 50% grant, 50% loan for graduate studies.
  1. American Association of University Women (AAUW) Fellowship
    • Who it’s for: Non-American women pursuing a Master’s or Doctorate in the USA.
    • Priority: Given to women who support the advancement of women and girls.
    • Reapplication: Possible for each year of the program. Apply each year
  2. Civil Society Leadership Awards
    • It’s for Master’s students from specific countries dedicated to social change.
    • What it offers: Full scholarships.
  3. Conacyt Scholarship
    • It’s for Mexican students pursuing postgraduate studies abroad.
  4. ColFuturo Scholarship
    • It’s for Colombian students pursuing postgraduate studies abroad.
  5. Foreign Fulbright Student Program
    • Who it’s for: Graduate students, young professionals, and artists from around the world.
    • What it offers: Scholarships to study in the USA.
  6. Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program
    • It’s for Students from developing countries applying for a development-related Master’s program.
    • What it offers: Comprehensive financial coverage, including tuition, stipend, airfare, health insurance, and travel allowance.
  7. MPOWER Financing Scholarships
  8. It’s for International and DACA students. deferred action for childhood arrival gives protection to immigrants don’t understand it 
  9. What it offers: Global Citizen Scholarship Program with broad eligibility, and other niche scholarships.
  10. P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship
    • Who it’s for: Women from other countries earning a graduate degree in the USA.
  11. Websites to Search for Scholarships
  12. College Board
    • Offers information on scholarships, financial aid, and internships from over 2,200 programs.
  13. International Student
    • Provides a searchable database of scholarships, grants, and loans for international students.
  14. Fastweb
    • Access to 1.5 million scholarships worth $3.4 billion. Helps students track their applications.
  15. Buddy4Study
    • A scholarship search engine for Indian students applying to schools in the USA and other countries. it helps them to get admission.
  16. Edukasyon
    • Lists various scholarships for students from the Philippines.
  17. Scholarships for Other Countries
  18. Scholarships to study in Canada
  19. Scholarships to study in Europe.


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