Warming up to climate change: what is carbon capture and how can it help save the planet?

This is an image of a Melting iceberg in the Arctic Ocean due to Global warming (Source – Pexel images)

I explain it in most simplest language so that you can understand what is carbon capture and storage (CSS). It is a technology that reduces greenhouse gas emissions, particularly carbon dioxide (Co2), which contributes largely to global warming and climate change .

It involves capturing Co2 emissions from large industrial sources for example power plants or refineries and storing them underground to prevent their release into the atmosphere. It might be confusing how the whole process is going through let me tell you there are various techniques, including post-combustion, pre-combustion, and Oxyfuel combustion. ( Post Combustion happens when something has already been burned, for example, coal or gas we burn them to produce energy, and then we try to clean up the emissions like carbon dioxide from the burning process with the help of a chemical solvent CO2 is saparated from the exhaust gas. Pre-combustion means before burning something we prepare to turn it into the gas called syngas through a process called gasification, and then we burn that gas to produce energy, means we capture CO2 before burning fossil fuel,This method generates hydrogen Oxyfuel means regular burning with the help of air but in Oxyfuel combustion, we use oxygen instead of air).

In simple means, we have to capture CO2, because it contributes to global warming to a large extent, because of its composition in the atmosphere. This article is all about how to capture C02 to reduce greenhouse gases and prevent global warming.

How can Carbon capture save the planet?

Experts say that carbon capture is potential solution to climate change but there are several challenges and limitations associated with its implementations For example

1 Efficiency Concerns : Although many operational carbon-capturing storage projects claim to be efficient in capturing carbon, there are also some underperformed or we can say failed projects. This raises concerns about the effectiveness of CSS as a climate mitigation strategy.

2. COST: They are quite expensive to implement and maintain or we can say they are costlier than renewable energy example wind power, so they are less economically viable.

3. Limited scale: It means there are few CSS projects worldwide this limited scale makes it challenging to significantly reduce global carbon emissions using CSS.

4. Over reliance on Fossil Fuels: A few critiques argue that CSS may give fossil fuel companies a social license to operate ” by allowing them to continue extracting and burning fossil fuels while relying on CSS to mitigate emissions.It will cause more harm to environment.

5. Energy Consumption: The energy required to capture and store large quantities of carbon dioxide is substantial. This energy demand could potentially exceed the entire planet’s electricity consumption, making CSS a less sustainable solution in the long run.

Mentioning the above challenges, many experts believe that while CSS plays an important role in reducing carbon emissions, it should not viewed as a silver bullet solution to climate change there should be continuous way forward and developments to renewable energy sources and implementing policies that promote sustainability and carbon neutrality.

Way Forward

  1. Investment in Research and Development: It will include innovative capturing methods, reducing costs and enhancing storage capabilities.
  2. Diversification Of Energy Sources: You should not rely only on CSS, efforts should be made to diversify energy sources and promote renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and hydroelectric power.
  3. Policy Support: Government and Policymakers should implement supportive policies and incentives to encourage the adoption of CSS technologies and renewable energy sources. This means it may include tax incentives, subsidies, and regulatory frameworks that give priority to carbon reduction and sustainability.
  4. International Collaboration: Like we have an International solar alliance there should be the discussion platforms about climate change.


If you have burned wood or charcoal to make some energy , right?

After burning there are gases released that are harmful to the environment, or which enhance global warming, with the help of Post Combustion we capture the harmful gases through techniques and certain solvents. If this technique is used before burning the coal that is called syngas When we put coal on gas first, it helps us produce less pollution when we use it for energy this process is called precombustion, and if we add oxygen while liting or burning the coal.

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